Learn How To Do Ez Bar Preacher Curl And Its Benefits

EZ-Bar Preacher Curl: Building Biceps with Comfort and Control
The EZ-Bar Preacher Curl is a variation of the standard preacher curl, distinguished by the use of an EZ-bar that offers a more comfortable grip, minimizing wrist and elbow strain. It is performed on a preacher bench, an angled pad that aids in isolating the biceps, reducing the likelihood of cheating or swinging during the exercise.
How to do:
1. Setting Up the Preacher Bench:
Adjust the preacher bench's height so that your upper arms comfortably rest against the angled pad, ensuring your chest makes contact with it.
2. Choosing the Right Weight:
Select an appropriate weight on the EZ-bar that provides a challenge for your biceps while still allowing you to maintain proper form.
3. Grasping the EZ-Bar:
Grab the EZ-bar with an underhand grip, with your palms facing upwards. Position your hands slightly closer than shoulder-width apart.
4. Arm Placement:
Rest your arms on the angled pad, ensuring that your upper arms form a perpendicular angle with the ground. Keep your elbows slightly flexed.
5. Curling the Bar:
While keeping your upper arms immobile, exhale and curl the EZ-bar towards your chest. Concentrate on contracting your biceps and hold the peak contraction for a second.
6. Lowering the Bar:
Inhale and gradually lower the EZ-bar back to the starting position. Maintain control and bicep tension throughout this phase.
7. Focus on Form:
Maintain proper form and control throughout the entire range of motion, emphasizing the contraction of your biceps.
Benefits of the EZ-Bar Preacher Curl
Enhanced Size and Strength: The EZ-Bar Preacher Curl chiefly targets the biceps and the underlying brachialis muscle. Concentrically contracting these muscles against resistance leads to muscle fiber shortening and force generation, contributing to increased arm size and strength.
Mechanical Advantage: The EZ-bar's design offers a mechanical advantage by providing a more ergonomic grip and reducing wrist and elbow strain. This enables you to handle heavier weights and execute more repetitions, resulting in greater muscle development.
Isolation of Biceps: The preacher bench used in the EZ-Bar Preacher Curl effectively isolates the biceps by keeping the upper arms stationary. This eliminates momentum and swinging, ensuring that the biceps bear the entire workload. This targeted approach leads to more focused muscle activation and growth.
Diverse Training: As a variation of the traditional bicep curl, the EZ-Bar Preacher Curl introduces diversity into your training regimen. This variation can prevent plateaus and shock the muscles, ultimately promoting sustained muscle growth.